We are people from all walks of life who share the common bond of God’s love. It is our trust in Jesus that gives us hope in all situations, and our prayers in His name are the driving force in everything we do. We have a passion for God’s word which is the nourishment for our souls, and the Light for our path.

As partners with God, we rely on the grace of God to help us to live the way God wants us to live in order to achieve our mission in the way that best honours and glorifies Him. Therefore, our attitudes and behaviour will be in line with the following core convictions and core values.
We Are Convicted That...
1. The Bible is God’s authoritative word to us
2. Prayer is the essential ingredient in everything we do
3. Full devotion to Christ and his cause is normal for every believer
4. Mission is why the church exists
5. Love is the context for all mission
6. Teamwork is God’s design for effective ministry
7. Every believer needs to be equipped to serve according to their gifts and passions
8. Every person is valuable to God and therefore to us
9. Spiritual growth happens best in small groups
10. Harmony and unity within the church is the desire of God’s heart
We Value...
1. Genuine love and caring relationships, which must permeate everything we do
2. Hospitality as a means of encouraging members and welcoming newcomers
3. Excellence, which honours God and inspires people
4. Integrity, which must not be sacrificed for anything
5. Teachability, the willingness to keep on learning
6. Sensitivity to people’s needs and feelings
7. Relevance to the culture in which we are ministering
8. Creativity and flexibility in worship and ministry
9. A passion to be led by the Holy Spirit
10. Belief in the unlimited possibilities of what Almighty God can do amongst us